
on wanderlust

Yesterday I started two savings accounts, at last, one for something huge – a house or car or elephant and one for travel.

Since graduating college I haven't traveled much. And by much I mean, at all. Most of this is due to a combination of living paycheck to meager paycheck and being a total shut-in unwilling to consider the possibility that there may be more exciting things out there for me.

But! That has all changed! My current plan is to travel, solo, to San Francisco this spring, perhaps for my historic 24th birthday. And then in the fall or next spring to Berlin. The more I learn about Berlin the more I think it's the place I need to be. Cold, full of hipster youths and beer, and people angry about the hipster youths inundating their neighborhoods and hiking up rents. Need I say more?

I'm young, 23, and have no one and nothing besides a ridiculously long lease tying me down to the city I live in. And I like it here. I like the long summers and three lakes ready to be swim/swam/swum in and the independent theater and tiny restaurants and bars. I do, however, feel like I see the same four people over and over and over again. When I buy overpriced local organic produce at the co-op to camouflage just wanting to eat their amazing tiramisu, when I walk to get my daily caffeine fix, when I shuffle into a crowded bar on the weekend before a matinee or to a shop to buy a $9 pizza and beer combo (I know, what?) I see the same people. I've lived here almost 6 years and I have ants in my pants. This is the town for university students, their overgrown man-child boyfriends and people working at dentist's offices, grocery stores, and organic salons to support said university students.

Time to think about my next move, both literally and figuratively. While I'm young you guys, while I'm young.