

Okay, so I am admittedly super late to the Beyoncé bus. I didn't really listen to her as a kid (Destiny's Child released Survivor when I was 11) or in high school/college as an independent artist. I am however fascinated by her as a person and her relationship with Jay-Z has always been intriguing to me.

When she released her new album I thought it was an amazing feat that she could put it together without anyone squawking about it. I mean, I hear she's a queen, but still, there are like 17 videos with hundreds of people and no one was the wiser, that takes some serious pull.

Without listening to or seeing any of the album I saw this page of "The 41 Most Unbelievably Flawless And Life-Changing Moments From Beyoncé’s New Album" and purchased the album immediately. I mean, look at this:

To me this album isn't about feminism or not, a female artist changing the game of album release forever, or not, it's about fun songs and amazing styling in every single one of the videos. I immediately wanted all of her clothes, her hair, her make-up, and this swimsuit, my god:

photo from here
I can't remember a more motivating experience for my personal style than watching her flawlessly change outfits about 395846 times and each time it being a fresh and different approach than the previous video. 

I do think Beyoncé is doing incredible things for women in music and women period but for me it's all about the clothes. I'm shallow, shoot me.