

Since seeing Rust & Bone I've been obsessed with Matthias Schoenaerts. A literal force to be reckoned with I knew Bullhead would be incredible, and incredible it was.

from here
Not for the faint of heart or stomach, I literally clenched a pillow through this entire 2+ hour film, and I am not a pillow-clencher my friends. The story highlights the life of a Belgian farmer with an addiction to growth hormones and trouble. Schoenaerts' character, from beginning to middle to end was so intense I couldn't believe it. Every character in this movie, through flashback or in present time, was so broken and damaged it was unbelievable.

The story was not what it seemed in the beginning, the middle, or the end. The characters of this film are still haunting me and I might need to watch this a few more times to grasp the depth of some of them. Part of my struggle was my inability to track between Flemish and French dialogue (because I'm a lame, unilingual 'murrican) but mostly it's just a really intense, really complex film.

This is unlike anything I've ever seen. Parts of this film were so raw and real it was extremely difficult to watch, but in the end this film was incredible and definitely worth working through the dialogue and huge cast of characters.