
on traveling alone

I don't have very many friends. Or rather, I have a great many friends but not many I can call up and say "hey, want to go to Detroit with me?", which is something I've been thinking about a lot lately.

I've written about my wanderlust before and it's striking again, with a greater vengeance than perhaps ever before. I want to go far, have incredible, life-changing adventures and generally make my day-to-day ho-hum life more bearable.

But! Big but! Do I dare have these adventures by myself?

If I travel alone will I be safe? Will I have the same adventures? Will I be willing to do the same things and go the same places if I'm not with another person?

As I continue into adulthood (just turned 24! Woo!) as a mostly single person I have to decide how to navigate the world as one. Right now it seems fairly daunting to consider buying tickets, planning and executing a trip by myself but I have to get over it, I guess.

So for now I have developed a short list of trips I'd like to take in the near future, hopefully one of these can happen soon:
  • Austin
  • Detroit
  • San Francsico
  • Denver
  • LA
  • NYC
  • Chicago
  • Berlin

Soon my friends, soon.