
goals for a new year

  1. write more - obviously this blog will help with that but I'd like to generally write a great deal more both longhand and on the computer
  2. read more - I just compulsively ordered a Kindle Paperwhite when I discovered you can access thousands of literary classics fo FREE and read them in seconds. I mean, I will take months to read them, but I can download them quickly. I also will continue to read the BuzzReads list that everyone ever should sign up for right now.
  3. swim more - I got Swimming to Antarctica: Tales of a Long-Distance Swimmer for Christmas in hopes that it encourages my swimming in the coming year
  4. save more - I am one of those millennials who thinks savings accounts will populate themselves (not really) and need to get my act together in this new year! I want more adventures but first I need some savings
  5. more adventures - traveling, food, experiences, etc. I want them all and I want them this next year.
That's it! I can probably do these things, and I hope I follow through.